

The project
    The Høje Taastrup Community
    Key figures for Høje Taastrup Community
    The Kortrijk Community
    Key figures for Kortrijk Community
    The Birstonas Community
    Key figures for Birstonas Community


Project results

Pictures and videos

The Concerto initiative


The project

JV Luftfoto

Aerial view over Gammelsø, Hedehusene and Fløng.
Here a new CO2 neutral city will be established.
View the whole picture

The project

The large number of demonstration activities is based on both the demand side (demonstration of ECO-buildings and rational use of energy) and the production side (demonstration of various renewable energy technologies). All demonstration projects are defined in a "Whole Community Approach" which means that all project initiatives are considered as integrated components. The aim is to ensure optimal interaction and balance of the energy demand and energy supply at all times.

Furthermore the activities will be coordinated between the three communities to exploit and learn from each other across borders and traditions.


If you have any questions about our project, please contact:

Reto M. Hummelshøj
Project coordinator (DK)
E-mail: Reto M. Hummelshøj

Phone: +45 5640 2766

Ilse Piers
Local coordinator (BE)
E-mail: Ilse Piers

Jolanta Žaltkauskiene
Local coordinator (LT)
E-mail: Jolanta Žaltkauskiene


Høje Taastrup Community
Kortrijk Community
Birstonas Community