Project results |
Final Summary Report
Completed 29. October 2016
Final Executive Summary
Completed 29. October 2016
Presentations from ECO-life final conference 29-30. October 2015
Invitation to conference - English
Day 1
Opening speech - Danish
Groen omstilling i Hoeje-Taastrup Kommune - Danish
Energieffektivisering i Kommunale bygninger og enfamiliehuse - Danish
Energirenovering af almene boligbebyggelser, Gadehavegaard som passivhus renovering - Danish
Komforten i energirenoverede boliger - Danish
Center 2 renovation - Danish
Danicas Energistrategi, maalsaetning og pilotprojekter – City2 inklusive - Danish
Fremtidens varmeforsyning - Danish
Alternative Drivmidler til Tung Transport - Danish
Hoeje-Taastrup som Smart-city - Danish
Smart-city catalyst - Danish
Den groenne omstilling i internationalt perspektiv - Danish
Strategisk energiplanlaegning i Danmark - Danish
Syn på klimaet, Dagbladet - Danish
Day 2
ECO-Life project results and challenges in Lithuania (Birstonas) - English
The ECO-Life Project from a Bird's eye perspective - English (pdf) (See video)
ECO-Life project in Belgium - English
Climate homepage of Høje-Tåstrup Municipality
- Danish and English
Catalogue of measures in municipality of Høje-Tåstrup
on households, industry and transportation
- Danish
Climate plan for Høje-Tåstrup Municipality
Plan for households, industry and transport (2009-2013)
- Danish
Report detailing vision area, January 2011
- Danish with a summary in English
Sustainability Requirements - input to the design
competition for Gammelsø, June 2011
- Danish
Articles about the International Solar day in Hedehusene
and Høje-Tåstrup Municipality, May 2012
- Danish
Power point presentation about energy savings in
buildings by Go'Energi, March 2012
- Danish
Design note for developers
- English
Brochures from the three ECO-Life countries
- English, Flemmish and Lithuanian
"Elverhuset - Passive house kindergarten with first class
indoor climate"
- Danish
Scientific article by Biekša D. et al, July 2011
"Energy efficiency challenges in multi-apartment building
renovation in Lithuania"
- English
Scientific article by Iqbal A. et al
"Experimental Evaluation of the Discharge Coefficient
of a Centre-Pivot Roof Window"
- English
Scientific article by Šiupšinskas G., Adomenaite S.
"Solar hot water in the apartment house"
- Lithuanian
Focus on sustainable (re) building by Ilse Piers
and Herman Jult, 2010
- Flemish
Removal can begin, Newspaper Kortrijk, 2010
- Flemish
Venning gets new look in 2015, Newspaper Kortrijk,
- Flemish
Venning is ecological model, Newspaper Kortrijk, 2010
- Flemish
Venning is ecological model, Newspaper 2 Kortrijk, 2010
- Flemish
European subsidies for green housing,
Newspaper Kortrijk, 2010
- Flemish
Master thesis by Marlene Stenberg Hagen Eriksen, 2010
"Energy renovation of buildings for Combined Use in
Existing Urban Area" (without appendixes)
- English
Work paper by Steffen Gulmann, 2010
"ECO-Life: Socioøkonomisk Workpaper, Muligheder for
at ændre beboernes klima/energi adfærd"
- Danish with a summary in English
Booklet by 11CityDesign, 2010
"Vision Gammelsø - Høje Taastrup Kommune
- English
Venning goes climate neutral, Newspaper Kortrijk, 2009
- Flemish